Burger Time Hardware Information

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ports - main cpu:
	+-[ $4000 - player 1 input (read only) ]---------------+
	|                                                      |
	| xx?bdulr                                             |
	|    |||||                                             |
	|    ||||+--- right                                    |
	|    |||+---- left                                     |
	|    ||+----- up                                       |
	|    |+------ down                                     |
	|    +------- button                                   |
	|                                                      |
	| when a bit is set to 0, the button is pressed        |
	|                                                      |
	+-[ $4001 - player 2 input (read only) ]---------------+
	|                                                      |
	| xx?bdulr                                             |
	|    |||||                                             |
	|    ||||+--- right                                    |
	|    |||+---- left                                     |
	|    ||+----- up                                       |
	|    |+------ down                                     |
	|    +------- button                                   |
	|                                                      |
	| when a bit is set to 0, the button is pressed        |
	|                                                      |
	+-[ $4002 - coins/start buttons (read only) ]----------+
	|                                                      |
	| ba????21                                             |
	| ||    ||                                             |
	| ||    |+--- player 1 start button                    |
	| ||    |      0: pressed                              |
	| ||    |      1: not pressed                          |
	| ||    +---- player 2 start button                    |
	| ||           0: pressed                              |
	| ||           1: not pressed                          |
	| |+--------- coin slot a                              |
	| |            0: no coin inserted                     |
	| |            1: coin inserted                        |
	| +---------- coin slot b                              |
	|              0: no coin inserted                     |
	|              1: coin inserted                        |
	|                                                      |
	| nmi is generated on main cpu when a coin is inserted |
	|                                                      |
	+-[ $4002 - video control (write only) ]---------------+
	|                                                      |
	| ???????f                                             |
	|        |                                             |
	|        +--- flip screen (x and y are flipped)        |
	|                                                      |
	+-[ $4003 - dip switch 1 (read only) ]-----------------+
	|                                                      |
	| vchsbbaa                                             |
	| ||||\|\|                                             |
	| |||| | +--- coin a                                   |
	| |||| |       00: 2 coins = 1 credit                  |
	| |||| |       01: 1 coin = 3 credits                  |
	| |||| |       10: 1 coin = 2 credits                  |
	| |||| |       11: 1 coin = 1 credit                   |
	| |||| +----- coin b                                   |
	| ||||         00: 2 coins = 1 credit                  |
	| ||||         01: 1 coin = 3 credits                  |
	| ||||         10: 1 coin = 2 credits                  |
	| ||||         11: 1 coin = 1 credit                   |
	| |||+------- service mode                             |
	| |||          0: on                                   |
	| |||          1: off                                  |
	| ||+-------- show cross hatch                         |
	| ||           0: on                                   |
	| ||           1: off                                  |
	| |+--------- cabinet type                             |
	| |            0: upright                              |
	| |            1: cocktail                             |
	| +---------- vblank status                            |
	|              0: not in vblank                        |
	|              1: in vblank                            |
	|                                                      |
	+-[ $4003 - sound command (write only) ]---------------+
	|                                                      |
	| vvvvvvvv -- command                                  |
	|                                                      |
	| this value gets put into a latch, which is read by   |
	| the sound cpu when it reads $a000 or its mirrors.    |
	| after a write here, the sound cpu gets an irq        |
	|                                                      |
	+-[ $4004 - dip switch 2 (read only) ]-----------------+
	|                                                      |
	| ???pebbl                                             |
	|    ||\||                                             |
	|    || |+--- lives                                    |
	|    || |      0: 5 lives                              |
	|    || |      1: 3 lives                              |
	|    || +---- bonus life                               |
	|    ||        00: 30000 points                        |
	|    ||        01: 20000 points                        |
	|    ||        10: 15000 points                        |
	|    ||        11: 10000 points                        |
	|    |+------ enemies                                  |
	|    |         0: 6 enemies                            |
	|    |         1: 4 enemies                            |
	|    +------- end of level pepper                      |
	|              0: on                                   |
	|              1: off                                  |
	|                                                      |
	+-[ $4004 - screen control (write only) ]--------------+
	|								|
	| ???b?tnn							|
	|    | |\|							|
	|    | | +--- background map # to use			|
	|    | |	 00: first (0x000)				|
	|    | |	 00: second (0x100)				|
	|    | |	 00: third (0x200)				|
	|    | |	 00: fourth (0x300)				|
	|    | | 							|
	|    | +----- select first or second background bank	|
	|    |		 0: first bank				|
	|    |		 1: second bank				|
	|    |								|
	|    +------- enable/disable background			|
	|		 0: disabled					|
	|		 1: enabled					|
	|								|

ports - sound cpu:
	+-[ $a000 - sound command (read only) ]----------------+
	|                                                      |
	| vvvvvvvv -- command                                  |
	|                                                      |
	| this is the value written to $4003 on the main cpu   |
	|                                                      |

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