Burger Time Hardware Information

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there are 8 sprites, each sprite uses up 4 bytes, each byte is 32 bytes after the last one in video ram. starting at 0, then 32, 64, 96 for sprite 0, then 128, 160, 192, and 224 for sprite 1, etc etc. use this chart for each byte:

	+-[ first byte ]---------------------------------------+
	|                                                      |
	| ?????xy?                                             |
	|      ||                                              |
	|      |+---- flip x                                   |
	|      +----- flip y                                   |
	|                                                      |
	+-[ second byte ]--------------------------------------+
	|                                                      |
	| tttttttt -- tile to use from vrom bank 0             |
	|                                                      |
	+-[ third byte ]---------------------------------------+
	|                                                      |
	| yyyyyyyy -- y coordinate                             |
	|                                                      |
	+-[ fourth byte ]--------------------------------------+
	|                                                      |
	| xxxxxxxx -- x coordinate                             |
	|                                                      |

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